Affordable Pricing Plans for Borderless delivery | Borderless HQ

Pick a Plan and Get Started

Pick a Plan and

Get Started

Select from our Plans the one that best Fits your Need.
( Applies only to Courier Service Providers/Delivery/Logistics Companies )

Select from our Plans the one that best Fits your Need.
( Applies only to Courier Service Providers/Delivery/Logistics Companies )

See more benefits with the pricing & income calculator!

See more benefits with the pricing & income calculator!

See more benefits with the

pricing & income calculator!

How many deliveries will you do in a month?

How many deliveries will you do in a month?

How many deliveries will you do in a month?

Enter number of deliveries you'd like to do in a month.

Enter number of deliveries you'd like to do in a month.

Enter number of deliveries you'd like to do in a month.

What is your average price per delivery?

What is your average price per delivery?

What is your average price per delivery?

Enter the average price you charge your customer for any single delivery.

Enter the average price you charge your customer for any single delivery.

Enter the average price you charge your customer for any single delivery.

Your monthly earnings!

Your monthly earnings!



We charge you loading/month

We only charge you loading/month





If you are an Early-Stage Delivery Company, but you want more Power for Efficiency

Pay after first 10 Deliveries or After Free Trial Days

You can process 500 deliveries monthly.

Drivers, Customers & Vehicle Management

Basic & Advanced Pricing Management

Countries, States and Custom Location Settings.

Instant Payments & Instant Withdrawals

Marketplace Access

Driver Tracking

Delivery Tracking

Proof of Delivery.

Do you need more?

Enterprise Madness!

Enterprise Madness!

Enterprise Madness!

If you are looking for something really big and you are ready to go wild beyond your peers!

Includes Everything you need to win

Cloud & Self-Hosted/ On-Prem Setup

Workflows Management

Route Planning & Management.

Workflows Management

Advanced Analytics & Intelligence Reporting.

Enterprise Services

Priority Support